Search results

  1. M

    Upgrade to Buster and move to other machine

    I really have problems understanding the upgrade process of FusionPBX. What exactly are the steps (one by one) that are needed: That mix of GIT and GUI is confusing. Do you need to do both? How do I know if there are customized...
  2. M

    Callee sees wrong number

    I have two phone numbers at my provider and made two gateways (one for each number). The problem is that if my parents call somebody then my number shows up. I have in the gateway settings: From User: xxxxxxxx685 In my parents extension settings: Outbound Caller ID Name: xxxxxxxx685 Outbound...
  3. M

    Port confusion

    I don't really understand that port thing. 1. Why is external 5080 if most providers use 5060? My provider says: TCP/UDP SIP Port 5060 (alternative 5064) So why does it work while FreeSwitch is using 5080? 2. All phones have the random option. Can it not happen that 2 phones trying to use the...
  4. M

    German voice - Cepstral

    I need german and there are only this files i can find: The problem is they need Cepstral: But from that tutorial it seems like you have to rebuild/compile FreeSwitch? I also tried this trick here...
  5. M

    Making calls from fs_cli - not working

    Next thing I cant figure out since hours... I tried all of this: originate sofia/internal/1009@ &echo() originate sofia/internal/1009@ *9196 originate sofia/internal/1009@ &tone_stream-copy() originate sofia/internal/1009@ *2222 originate...
  6. M

    Webapi Voicemail - how to?

    I'm testing the Webapi/XML-RPC but seems like I'm missing something. I did open the Firewall with: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT I can reach '' and with the user and password from Advanced -> Settings the page opens. Also...
  7. M

    Where is mod_xml_rpc?

    I can't find mod_xml_rpc I don't see it in Advanced -> Modules
  8. M

    freeswitch.orig vs freeswitch directory

    I wonder what the difference between the etc/freeswitch.orig vs etc/freeswitch directory is. Main reason I'm asking is that i want to duplicate some FreeSwitch examples. For Tetris i did: tone_stream://path=/etc/freeswitch/tetris.ttml;loops=10 So i pointed to the freeswitch directory. But maybe...
  9. M

    Greetings sample rate and default IVR

    I uploaded a 16 bit / 16 kHz wav in the greetings. I see: File /var/lib/freeswitch/storage/voicemail/default/ sample rate 16000 doesn't match requested rate 8000 I can't find where i can switch the rate in FusionPBX. Then I'm searching for that default IVR that...
  10. M

    Switching from PostgreSQL to SQLite?

    I made the installation on Debian like written here: There was nothing that did ask me about what DB to use. Can i switch after the installation?
  11. M

    Internal calls are not working

    Hi, i had FreeSwitch running for ~2 years and thought i want a GUI and a forum that can help me solve problems, so i switched to Fusion. Problem is that i cant get the simplest thing running. I made some extensions 1000 - 1005 and the phones are registered. I can dial *9170 and get the time...