The Brooklyn Way

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Jan 7, 2021

I've been lurking here for years occasionally asking a question or two but just realized I'd missed this rite of passage. So here's my ASL: just kidding, but in all seriousness, I stumbled across Fusion years ago when considering providing VoIP services to customers of my own (at the time I was maintaining an Asterisk installation along with the rest of my employer's tech stack). Fast forward to today and I've been fostering a Fusion instance for a friend that has grown from a VM in a spare box under my desk to a Digital Ocean Droplet then several iterations of EC2s. I'll never forget when I tied two and two together after realizing the person who had been helping me in IRC was in the copyright notice. Fabulous community and solid project, I do hope to one day contribute as I've taken so much (Since GS Wave is no longer available, I'm looking into modding Linphone to use the provisioning QR, at least conceptually it looks like it should be easy but it's my first attempt at swift/IOS development).

Best wishes to all,
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