Fusion on Raspberry pi 4

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Jim Siler

New Member
Jun 2, 2019
Question is probably for @DigitalDaz, since he seems to be THE man for Raspberry pi questions.

I've been trying to install and run Fusion on an rPi4. I used an archive that I believe @DigitalDaz created fairly recently. Everything looks perfect at first, just like any other installation. When my two SPA-942s try to reach the rPi they are unable to arp it. Everything else on the local net is able to, no problem.

The network is a private net, The phones are at and I have similar problems with my Grandstream GXP2160.

I am baffled. Wondering anyone has seen similar problems, or if anyone has had success. Perhaps it has something to do with the /23 subnet mask. Now that I've written this down I think I'll try moving them to 192.168.0.xxx addresses.

Thanks in advance,

Jim Siler


Staff member
Sep 29, 2016
@Jim Siler I'd advise you to just use the regular official install script on top of Buster Lite. That was an old script before Freeswitch had made the packages.

I'll find the script you are referring to and remove it.
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Jim Siler

New Member
Jun 2, 2019
Thanks much. By Buster Lite, can I use Raspbian Lite? Also, do you know if anyone is successfully using rPi4 w/ Fusion/FreeSwitch?
@Jim Siler I'd advise you to just use the regular official install script on top of Buster Lite. That was an old script before Freeswitch had made the packages.

I'll find the script you are referring to and remove it.


Staff member
Sep 29, 2016
Thanks much. By Buster Lite, can I use Raspbian Lite? Also, do you know if anyone is successfully using rPi4 w/ Fusion/FreeSwitch?

That's what I mean, Raspbian Buster Lite.

I haven't got any in production now simply because I don't do onsite now, I play with them occasionally in a lab. I had an Odroid XU3 in a 20 user office for a couple of years.

Just make sure you use a class A1 card at least but I would run root on SSD. All my Pi4s are root on SSD.


Mar 28, 2020
Hi I work with Raspberry PI4, and domains, works perfect for me!
I use the dietpi.org version debian 10 buster.
No problems at all.

Jim Siler

New Member
Jun 2, 2019
Thanks much @DigitalDaz. Got it all working, after much agita. Did a clean install of Raspbian Lite and ran the standard script, just as you recommended. Two of the three phones began to work immediately, one SPA-942 still could not connect. DId a factory reset and all was well.

I did find one thing tha t I had not thought about. Even though Wireshark showed no traffic between the pPi4 and the problem phone except for unanswered ARP requests, the phone registered and worked. Turned out that running Wireshark on third box with a switch in the middle of it all does not show all traffic, even though the interface runs in promiscuous mode. Finally got my head out from up whatever orifice it had lodged itself in and ran tcpdump on the rPi4. What a shocker, no more inexplicable missing data.
Hi I work with Raspberry PI4, and domains, works perfect for me!
I use the dietpi.org version debian 10 buster.
No problems at all.

Jim Siler

New Member
Jun 2, 2019
Thanks much @robvandenbulk. Got mine working, at last. Now begins the long task of replicating my old FusionPBX system that some dumbass forgot to back up. Database got hosed, so it still works but cannot be managed.


Staff member
Sep 29, 2016
@Jim Siler A factory reset of the SPA will probably leave you with an RTP packet size of 30ms which you don't want. Look in the advanced SIP settings and change it to 20ms.

Jim Siler

New Member
Jun 2, 2019
Thanks @DigitalDaz,
Took care of that. I thought I was going have to recreate my old system from scratch, then remembered that I had done vm snapshots. Upgraded old server from 4.5.6 to 4.5.13, which appears to have gone without a hitch. I'm pretty sure I'll be back here in a panic soon enough when moving to the new rPi4 installation.

Jim Siler

New Member
Jun 2, 2019
As a recap / progress report:

I could never get Fusion working on any of my rPi4s using the official buster images. Sometimes it would work a bit for a little bit, but nightmares with phones not being able to arp, or the rPi returning port unavailable. I thought it was a problem with fail2ban, but after shutting that down and resetting my iptables it still would not work.
So I tried a clean install of Fusion on a and up to date Debian Buster on an x86-64 vm. Perfect.

I finally loaded up an Ubuntu distributed 64 bit server image on an rPi4. Brought it up to date and ran the install scripts. A lot of complaining about 64 bit ARM not being supported, but everything built and installed. Nginx, Freeswitch, php-fpm, postgreSQL, and fail2ban all up and running but was getting 503s when I tried to log in. Edited the fusionpbx.conf to show the correct socket for php-fpm and away it went. So far (about an hour) so good. Performance seems decent, and I have reason to want 64 bit OS.

Thanks all, especially @DigitalDaz.


Staff member
Sep 29, 2016
I don't know what you were doing wrong but 32bit works 100% fine on a Pi4. Networking issues would have zero to do with FusionPBX.

Jim Siler

New Member
Jun 2, 2019
I don't know what you were doing wrong but 32bit works 100% fine on a Pi4. Networking issues would have zero to do with FusionPBX.
I don't know what you were doing wrong but 32bit works 100% fine on a Pi4. Networking issues would have zero to do with FusionPBX.
It had nothing to do with fusion and everything to do, I think, with the current Raspbian distro. I tried it on different rPi4s and different network configurations. With Fusion + Ubuntu I see everytrhing working fine. Only glitches were:
o- Error messages about possible 64bit incomatibility and
o- Need to update fusion.conf in nginx directory to reflect correct socket.

Seem to be working a treat now.



Staff member
Sep 29, 2016
I know @markjcrane has worked hard to make the installer just work and I have done quite a bit of testing with the Pi and I don't want people to get the impression there is something wrong with it or the current Raspbian.

I have just installed now on a Pi4 with the latest Raspbian and FusionPBX install script and have no problems. I have tweaked the permissions a little to make the following two URLs available publicly to be inspected just to show there are no problems:



Jim Siler

New Member
Jun 2, 2019
Good morning @DigitalDaz.
I appreciate that. M. Crane has been super dedicated and generous with his efforts over more years than I can remember.
I will take a different rPi4 today and do a build from scratch and let you know the results. If I'm still seeing problems I'll try to let you know what they are, with enough detail to be useful. I can take that offline with you if you prefer.

In the meantime, the Ubuntu 64 bit installation is working well for me. I'll try seeing if I can tweak the install script to clean up the two minor issues I encountered and if successful, pass it back if desired.

Again, thanks.


Jim Siler

New Member
Jun 2, 2019
Hi @DigitalDaz,
I've just completed a clean installation on new hardware. Apparently working. The problem with "it just works" is that Raspbian is not terribly stable, nor need it be; It's an experimental and educational platform. I need stability, and with other platforms, M. Crane's stuff just works. Even running an unsupported OS (Ubuntu 64 bit rPi4 specific 18.04) it works with minor tweaks. For me, the bottom line is
o -- OS (Ubuntu 64 bit 18.04 for rPi4) solid.
o -- Hardware (rPi4, when coupled with a decent sdd) solid.
o -- M. Crane's install framework, solid. Even when needing tweaks for a non-standard intallation, changes needed are minimal and result is good.
o -- Raspbian, not so much. It is a moving target. Using a fresh install via the Rspberery Pi Imager today, the pre-install script, which had always worked, failed due to apt-get not being installed by default. I did install apt-get from apt and the installation ran, but it shouldn't be that way.

BTW, my problems were, I think, and I'm sorry to admit, that I was trying to run of a (brand new, top quality) micro-sd card. After installing to a USB 3.1 v2 SSD things work and performance is DRAMITCALLY better that before.

Again, thanks for your help, patience, and ongoing efforts.

Good morning @DigitalDaz.
I appreciate that. M. Crane has been super dedicated and generous with his efforts over more years than I can remember.
I will take a different rPi4 today and do a build from scratch and let you know the results. If I'm still seeing problems I'll try to let you know what they are, with enough detail to be useful. I can take that offline with you if you prefer.

In the meantime, the Ubuntu 64 bit installation is working well for me. I'll try seeing if I can tweak the install script to clean up the two minor issues I encountered and if successful, pass it back if desired.

Again, thanks.


I know @markjcrane has worked hard to make the installer just work and I have done quite a bit of testing with the Pi and I don't want people to get the impression there is something wrong with it or the current Raspbian.

I have just installed now on a Pi4 with the latest Raspbian and FusionPBX install script and have no problems. I have tweaked the permissions a little to make the following two URLs available publicly to be inspected just to show there are no problems:




Staff member
Sep 29, 2016
Raspbian, not so much. It is a moving target

Each reply is making less and less sense to me. This is the current Raspbian installer:


It doesn't matter if you install it, I install it, or 10,000 other people install it, we will end up with exactly the same data on our SD cards and it will absolutely contain apt.

Jim Siler

New Member
Jun 2, 2019
You are absolutely right. Things were making less and less sense to me too, and your comment caused me to step back and assume nothing other than that I should just start from square one and follow instructions. I just did another clean installation using a different rPi4 and a 16gB microsd card (the previous one was 256gB). Everything went smoothly and everything seems to be working properly.

At this point I'm assuming that the root of my prolems were, aside from general idiocy, the use of that particular 256gB ssd card. I assumed that because it was brand new and appeared to working correctly on install that I could trust it for a while, and move to SSD when I got around to it. Apparently this was not a good assumption. I see now that I had several warning signs that things were not well, for example a very large (1:15:00) 48000 sample rate .wav file would not play from the MOH menu. If I had half a brain I would have looked ay dmesg output. Once I did I could see that it pi was vary unhappy with the microsd card.

I am baffled as to why apt-get was not available on my SSD install while apt was. I just did another fresh install and it was there. I suspect that I screwed up somewhere in my setting up the ssd, but can't imagine where. I think I can safely assume that I screwed up somewhere in the process, and at this point I don't much care where.

For anyone wanting to deploy FusionPBX on an rPi4 I can recommend the following:
  1. Start out with a 4gB pi. It's only about $20USD more than the 1gB model, and the OS is good at finding use for any leftover memory.
  2. Use an SSD for you root device. It is much more reliable and much better performing. There is a world of difference between keeping you music and contacts in your phone and accessing the requirements of a functional computer. I am using SanDisk - Extreme 250GB External USB 3.1 Gen 2 Type-A/Type-C Portable Solid-State Drive and SanDisk - Extreme PLUS 64GB microSDXC UHS-I Memory Card, which I picked up yesterday at Best Buy for about $100USD and $25USD, respectively. The SSD seems to be working quite well and runs rings around even a very fast microsd card. I know one can do better for less if you want to put something together like in the article (see link in item 4, below), but I was impatient and am happy so far with the choice.
  3. Put an official Raspbery Pi image on a high quality (known brand, high performance) ssd card. There is no need for any larger than an 8 gB card. You will need need very little space to start out with and after installation you will only be using the boot partition. The root and most everything below it will be on the SSD.
  4. Follow instructions on the web for moving your root file system to SSD. I used this article by James A. Chambers, but instead of changing the UUID for the SSD I did it for the microcd card, which simplifies the process and eliminates the potentially error prine editing of the fstab. Make sure to resize the root filesystem on the SSD.
  5. Make sure that everything is working. Don't be a dope like I was. Check and re-check dmesg output for problems. If you see anything suspicious find out what it is and fix it if necessary.
  6. Once you are comfortable with your system follow the FusionPBX.com's "Quick Install" instructions. If everyrthing else is right it should, as @DigitalDaz said in an earlier comment, "just work". The first installation, including running Raspbian updates and associated builds, took a little over 20 minutes on my system.
  7. At this point you should have a working Fusionpbx installation running on an up-to-date Raspbian system.
  8. Most important, always listen to @DigitalDaz. This can save both you and him substantial time and aggravation.
To @DigitalDaz, sorry to have used up so much of your time and energy. Thanks again for your help and for all you do.

Feb 18, 2017
Hi all, I finally am working on migrating an existing FPbx server to a RPi4. I got the system working using the Buster Lite image, but when I ran the restore script to copy to old server data and database to the Pi, there was an error.

pg_restore: [archiver] unsupported version (1.14) in file header

So I looked at the database versions:

Old server: psql (PostgreSQL) 12.2 (Debian 12.2-2.pgdg80+1)

Raspberry Pi: psql (PostgreSQL) 11.7 (Raspbian 11.7-0+deb10u1)

How do I upgrade Postgres?


New Member
Feb 26, 2021
Good Day Everyone.

I'm from Singapore but now doing some demo on FusionPBX in Cambodia.
I have learn a lot of concept from Mark many years ago. Hope he still can remember me.. haha
I'm now doing a demo on FusionPBX on VMware ESXi using RaspberryPi 4 with 8GB ram as one of the virtual machine.

Everything is ok, only now need to get the incoming call from GOIP gateway got issue. Outgoing Call to GOIP gateway no problem. Incoming call got problems and I saw this on fs_cli >

You must define a domain called '' in your directory and add a user with the id="069324633" attribute
and you must configure your device to use the proper domain in its authentication credentials.
2021-03-04 11:01:42.509207 [WARNING] sofia_reg.c:1739 SIP auth failure (REGISTER) on sofia profile 'internal' for [069324633@] from ip

Hope anyone here can help point to the right direction to solve this issue.

Thanks and best regards,

Choong Leng
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