Recent content by Talmid_L

  1. T

    how to upgrade freeswitch to new version?

    If I go to /usr/src/freeswitch which is supposed to be cloned from git, it's not a git repository. I wonder how does FusionPBX install Freeswitch?
  2. T

    how to upgrade freeswitch to new version?

    On another thread I saw someone mentioning to run: apt-get update && apt-get install freeswitch-meta-all freeswitch-all-dbg gdb Would it break anything on a live system?
  3. T

    how to upgrade freeswitch to new version?

    I would like to do the same. I installed Fusionpbx by the script and it seems that now Freeswitch is not installed from the repository but by source. Previously I added the signalwire key to the apt/sources and was able to upgrade, but now I don't know. Can anyone help us with this?
  4. T

    Fusionpbx backup size

    I did now. Instead of the Device Logs I use the nginx log file, is it not the same? What are the Event logs used for?
  5. T

    Fusionpbx backup size

    I see that the Device Logs and the Event Logs are huge. Device Logs I could drop, but what about the Event Logs?
  6. T

    Fusionpbx backup size

    Hello, I have FusionPBX 5.1.0 RC1 installation and I was watching the backup .sql files in size. The first few days it was increasing steadily, which is normal. Now looking at the size some have 20 or 90MB, then one of 700MB. Is there any explanation what can cause such an increase in the sql...
  7. T

    Voicemail to Email stopped working

    So freeswitch actually uses PHP in the end to send mail? Is it not related to any system mailing program? How could I debug this? In the /var/log/mail.err there is nothing. Also the file /tmp/mailer-app.log does not exist, I created it with www-data ownership, but it stays empty.
  8. T

    Voicemail to Email stopped working

    I think it's something in freeswitch email, I tried running the following command: luarun email.lua 'headers' 'subject' 'body' Then the log says emailed data to ...
  9. T

    Voicemail to Email stopped working

    Can it be that the problem comes from postfix, sendmail, etc?
  10. T

    Voicemail to Email stopped working

    I am still using version 4.4.4, I don't find that class.
  11. T

    Voicemail to Email stopped working

    Do you mean in Status > Email? It's empty. First I thought the password was wrong of the account, but I made sure it's correct now. If there would be any way to debug this.
  12. T

    Voicemail to Email stopped working

    I had a working setup for sending emails, but recently I noticed I don't receive them anymore. I am looking in the FS log and there it says: 2023-06-06 05:55:07.253734 98.03% [DEBUG] switch_utils.c:1320 Emailed file [/tmp/mail.16860453069f04] to [email@domain.tld] I don't see any more logs in...
  13. T

    Phrases not playing

    I see now that mod_say_en is not loading. It gives an error: 2023-01-19 08:03:29.546295 98.40% [CRIT] switch_loadable_module.c:1750 Error Loading module /usr/lib/freeswitch/mod/ **/usr/lib/freeswitch/mod/ undefined symbol: __exp_finite**
  14. T

    Phrases not playing

    Recently an issue appeared where when I access the voicemail it says: "Please enter your password followed by" (missing the #). Then in the voicemail it doesn't say how many new or saved messages I have, only "You have new messages, you have saved messages" Does anyone have an idea what could be...
  15. T

    Openvpn sever

    Yes, but this I don't remember how I did it, it was something specific that I needed. A combination of iptables rules and ip route.