Recent content by whut

  1. whut

    let's encrypt issuance

    Does the fusion lets encrypt issuance script use HTTP-01 Challenge or TLS-SNI-01 Challenge? I will guess HTTP-01
  2. whut

    Hide SIP INVITE Variables

    Try this in your outbound route <action application="unset" data="sip_h_X-accountcode"/>
  3. whut

    Import devices

    I would try another similar model provisioning template to see if enabled get set correctly.
  4. whut

    Import devices

    What is your field name? Make sure it is `device_enabled`
  5. whut

    Import devices

    Set the enabled field to `true`. lowercase
  6. whut

    Ring Group Issues

    Definitely flush cache. That is odd behavior. Make sure you are not using the same extension number more than one time on a domain. You cannot have phone extension 200 again for any other type of extensions
  7. whut

    Need help setting up Voxbeam. P-Asserted-Identity: header

    Set the outbound caller ID information on every extension page. Follow the examples for your inbound and outbound gateways in You will need to edit the gateway pressing the advanced button on the gateway edit page to adjust the...
  8. whut

    Remote Phone Receive Call Issues

    Fixing your ACL issue is paramount for success.
  9. whut

    Remote Phone Receive Call Issues

    @cemotyz09 was correct. It is an ACL issue.
  10. whut

    SOLVED http connection refused

    You must have a reboot after installing. If you have rebooted and it is still a problem then look at IP tables for a UFW rule blocking port 443 and a UFW rule blocking port 80. If those UFW port block rules exist in IP tables then delete them.
  11. whut

    Fusionpbx in hotel / hospitality

    fusion has a wake up dialplan but IMO it needs to be developed much more to make it more user friendly and fully functional. It is not apparent, for example, when adding a wake up call that it is in 24 hour format. How to update or remove a wake up? I think it needs its own application and table...
  12. whut

    fail2ban won't start on Debian 12

    Thanks for the input @Jimbob . I destroyed the deb 12 server and will not be getting back to it for some time. Hopefully The fusion installation will be thoroughly tested on deb 12 and be fixed before I have time to throw at it again.
  13. whut

    fail2ban won't start on Debian 12

    going back to debian 11 since all of the jails can be enabled and they work on that version. :mad:
  14. whut

    Add "time of day" to preset Time Condition in Default Settings

    Make sure you have newest fusion and make sure your new time condition preset is created correctly. Use the other presets as your example to ensure you have all of the settings exact.