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  1. S

    Sending message from FusionPBX to sip agent

    I am using FusionPBX as SIP server(registar). FusionPBX works fine for call and SIMPLE message routing, but I need to modify it so that I can send SIP/SIMPLE messages to registered users from FusionPBX. I found on freeswitch docs site that it can be achieved from lua scripts or xml files. Here...
  2. S

    Sending SIMPLE (SIP) message from lua script to registered extension in FusionPBX

    Setting FusionPBX for storing messages for unregistered users and pushing messages when they register I am using FusionPBX as SIP server in LAN on IP adress to route sip calls and for instant messaging for softphones. I've already enabled sms module to enable instant messaging and...
  3. S

    How to put extensions in some logical groups so that only extensions from same group can call each other

    I need to use FusionPBX as SIP registar(Session Initiation Protocol) or SIP server, to route SIP calls to appropriate SIP accounts (extensions). Currently every extension has possibility to call any registered extensions and everything works fine. But for my purposes I need to set some logic...