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  1. M

    Trouble with provisioning

    Ultimately I had to move the PBX in its own Debian 8 VM, I couldn't find a way to fix that problem in CentOS. Thanks again.
  2. M

    Trouble with provisioning

    I know, sadly. We grandfathered them in a callmanager setup, but that can't fly anymore so we're migrating to FusionPBX. Yes, it's a+rwx on everything in the tftp folder, owned by apache:apache as we're on CentOS.
  3. M

    Trouble with provisioning

    Yes, but the issue is not with the network, the PBX does not generate the XML files in the configured path at all.
  4. M

    Trouble with provisioning

    Hi, I'm having trouble with the provisioning of some Cisco 7941 and 7961 phones, that can (as far as I understood) be done only via TFTP. I configured FusionPBX with provisioning enabled and the path where the TFTP server is looking for the file. I set the various options in the Devices tab...