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  1. F

    problem to register

    Hi, I have this structure: <----> <----> <---> asterisk <----> pptp vpn<----> pptp vpn<---> fusionpbx I can't register trunk from asterisk to fusionpbx, but I can registred on fusionpbx via that network ( my client ip) port 5060 is open, I...
  2. F

    change rtp port range

    Hi, I want to change the default RTP port range to 10000-20000 how can I do that?
  3. F

    gateway with ip

    Hi, How can I bridge outbound calls to IP and port without creating a gateway? in outbound route I create the below row at the end of outbound route: action bridge sofia/external/ I want to send call to port 5060 , but didn't work, I create gateway name...
  4. F

    Register on 2 IP

    Hi, I have debian 10 and fusionpbx last version, I have 2 network interface for debian ens1 > ens2 > I install fusionpbx with the quick install, now I can see on "SIP Status" below row internal Profile sip:mod_sofia@ RUNNING (0) on internal profile...
  5. F

    socket response

    Hi, I am using FusionPBX version 4.5.16 I have this below the inbound route and I transfer calls to the socket server How can I get the response of request and send the call somewhere based on that condition? For example, socket server tell me the response is 1 and I transfer the call to ext...
  6. F

    install python esl(pymod)

    Hi, I am using the last version of fusionPbx I want to use outbound ESL and my language is python I want to route inbound call to my script according to this document: I must "make pymod" in source of freeswitch files, I...
  7. F

    path of files & esl

    Hi, 1. Where are the files saving paths? For example extensions and dialplan 2. I install the last fusionpbx version, python-esl install with fusionpbx installation or not? if not how I can install? freeswitch document tell us we must install from the source files of freeswitch 3. how I can set...