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  1. D

    Connecting to mod_portaudio

    The next part of my project is to be able to dial into FS and connect to a microphone on a Raspberry Pi USB Audio Adapter. I've modified the portaudio.conf.xml file, reloaded the module from the CLI but haven't been to get the mod to recognize the audio adapter. When I reload the mod I get this...
  2. D

    Freeswitch Automatically Hangs Up After ~30 Seconds

    Newbie here. I've been groping my way through this and finally decided reach out for help. I'm working with a default (demo) Freeswitch configuration on a Raspberry Pi. Using a SIP client on my cell phone as extension 1005, I can dial into Tetris at 9198. Using sngrep, I can see the connection...
  3. D

    Hello from Michigan

    Hi, Thank you for letting be included in the forum. I have been in telephony since 1986, working mostly on Mitel systems. I'm currently working on a personal project using FS on a Raspberry Pi. What I'm trying to accomplish is to turn the RP into an audio interface where I can plug into the...