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  1. HeisenbergQin

    Hello everyone, I want to implement a function: A dials B. After B is connected, A dials C to let them talk to 3 people. How do I implement it?

    Hello everyone, I want to implement a function: A dials B. After B is connected, A dials C to let them talk to 3 people. How do I implement it?
  2. HeisenbergQin

    I am a newbie and now encounter a problem, asking for help: NO_ANSWER

    I am a newbie and now encounter a problem, asking for help: When I use the Freeswitch extension to call a number through the operator's line: Gateway (chinamobile), NO_ANSWER will appear (this is the case in most cases, but occasionally the call will succeed). If I directly use microSip to log...
  3. HeisenbergQin

    I have a question: I now need to get all the complete call recordings, whether they are connected or unconnected (dudu sound or ring back tone).

    我现在遇到了一个问题。如果是拨打本地号码,会提示相应的彩铃,并得到完整的通话录音,但如果拨打+0的号码(外省),只有接通后的通话录音,彩铃或蜂鸣前面无,如果客户拒绝接听,则不会生成录音文件,也不会返回相应的提示音(如果是本地号码,拨打0/分机之间可以正常获取)。 如果我的说法清楚,请指出!谢谢~
  4. HeisenbergQin

    Newcomer report, hello everyone!

    Hi, everybody! I am from Shenzhen, China, and I am a newbie in the VOIP business!