Alerts and notifications

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Jan 24, 2020
I really think I can increase ustomer satisfaction by being more proactive In monitoring their systems. Can any one suggest a way to setup alerts or notifications when certain events occur?

for example

1. A phone unregistered
2. A specific hangup cause
3. A MOS lowers than 4.3
4. A device went 10+ days without provisioning

knowing information like this would allow me to get in front of problems before my customers submit a ticket

or we can’t think of a way to do this with a script maybe you guys know of some good monitoring or SNMP solutions I’m open to paid or open source options


Jan 24, 2020
We do a lot of monitoring with the Opensource version of Nagios (

There is a FreeSWITCH plugin available here:
sorry if I sound dumb... I spun up a new Debian machine and installed Nagios and everything looks good there.... then I go to the GitHub page you provided and the first line in the instructions has me thrown off.... must be installed in the Nagios plugins directory on the host system (not the Nagios server). It is called via NRPE.

so it says that the .pl must be installed in the nation plugins directory on the host system, not the Nagios server.. so if not the Nagios server. I assume the fusion server and do I create a directory somewhere called plugins, does it matter where..... and to install the .pl what do I run and where...

I saw the guide from "" but I am still confused... and what If I want to know something specific, like when a phone loses registration or failed provisioning attempt.... if you know any cool resources I could use to dive deeper into this that would be great but Nagios seems pretty robust and beyond capable but has a large learning curve

Adrian Fretwell

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2017
Ok, I will try to explain...
Many organisations, use Nagios to monitor several, if not hundreds of other servers, all performing possibly different tasks. So it makes sense to have a dedicated machine, referred to as the Nagios server, that initiates the checks on all the other servers and collects the data for logging and display on a web page.

On each server there is a Nagios daemon called NRPE, that listens on port 5666 for commands from the Nagios server. If you have installed from a Debian package, then most likely, your NRPE config will exist in /etc/nagios and plugins are installed in /usr/lib/nagios/plugins.

The Perl scripts are fairly easy to understand and you can copy/modify them to suit your needs.

I also use some scripts written by Daniel Lucio Quiroz, you may have already found the link on, but I include the link below:


New Member
Oct 21, 2020
Hi All, I am new to freeswitch /fusionPBX. I have been running a server and I have installed Nagios Core for monitoring it. its morning the basic cpu/disk/ memory/ swap, ok, however, I want to monitor the FreeSWITCH core process and as I am running Debian 10 I can't find any decent ones I have seen the Dan has suggested the CentOS version rpm which does not help me as I am running Debian 10.

I also tried the git hub link ( and 8-year-old)
this is not pulling the data as expected. do we not have any proper plugin for Debian.

I am trying to execute the commands like this and its unable to pull the data?

define command {
command_name check_freeswitch_health
command_line /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_freeswitch_health $ARG1$

define service {
use local-service
service_description FreeSWITCH - Calls Count
check_command check_freeswitch_health!- q show-call-count

any help to point me in the freeswitch Debian plugin will be appreciated.

I have been noticing that intermittently all the sip phone and softphone get deregister. and just keep sending the registration request. I wonder why?
and I would like to monitor the registration or freeswitch service for making sure I get notified when this happens. And be proactive in supporting the system.
The fix was to restart freeswitch which is not ideal. I want to get to the root cause for this issue why this keeps happening?

If you are wondering how I install this it is from the main GitHUB for Debian 10
git clone
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