Recent content by ChiGuy85

  1. C

    CentOS 7 : Cannot add any new music on hold category

    Are you uploading into a custom category or one of the default one? On Debian, I cannot upload anything to the default category; that's to say it says the upload goes ok but when the page refreshed it doesn't appear in the list. Alternatively you can add the files through the file system if you...
  2. C

    CentOS 7 : Cannot add any new music on hold category

    I would think because the webserver is doing the upload, the folder should be owned by www-data:www-data. Are there any errors in the nginx log?
  3. C

    FusionPBX not evaluating variables?

    I have somewhat of a strange issue happening with my FusionPBX. When attempting to register a softphone, the error log shows that Freeswitch is not evaluating the domain portion of the uri. Has anyone ran into this before? For I changed the domain and IP below, but everything else is exactly as...