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  1. AverageGuy

    I rebooted and am getting a Fatal error from Smarty

    Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template "file:/var/www/fusionpbx/themes/default/template.php" on line 31 "<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<!--{project_path}-->/resources/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css">" unknown tag 'project_path' <-- thrown in...
  2. AverageGuy

    I can't receive calls

    I'm installing a new version on Ubuntu and everything is working except incoming calls. The log shows: 649fd8d4-aa06-11ec-9c9e-6f21e8c76f10 2022-03-22 17:34:57.634389 99.33% [NOTICE] switch_channel.c:1123 New Channel sofia/external/
  3. AverageGuy

    Unsuccessfully trying to connect to sip provider

    I've installed a newer version of FusionPBX on new hardware and am attempting to transfer the sip provider to the new hardware but it isn't working. I'm using the exact same settings but when I try to start it, it doesn't start. It shows "stopped" in the Gateways page. It shows enabled True...
  4. AverageGuy

    Source files update failed

    I attempted an Advanced/update and got the above message. No other details. I did it again, got the same message with the comment "Already up to date." Branch: master 0b91af9f424cae593625dd133ca61d1a77e72b02 FusionPBX 4.5.22 I Should I be concerned? Thanks, Jim
  5. AverageGuy

    How to transfer directly to email?

    I have a lua script that intercepts certain calls and want to transfer directly to voice mail. Can someone tell me how to do that? I know about "session:transfer("3000", "XML", "default");" but I'm not sure how to change 3000 to vm at 3000. Thanks, Jim.
  6. AverageGuy

    Sip devices aren't registering

    I installed Fusionpbx on a new Debian 10 (x86) system a bit ago and did an Advanced/Upgrade of the Source, Schema and App defaults. Then I attempted to add a couple of phones to the new system. They both were working fine on an older version of FB. The extensions I added are 1004 and 1010...
  7. AverageGuy

    FusionPBX on Odroid C2?

    I don't know where to start. The installation web site has instructions for the X86, Raspberry PI, etc. But nothing for the Odriod machines. I have Armbian Stretch desktop working on the C2 with a 120 Gb SSD attached. I'd like to try to install FusionPBX. Can someone tell me how to get...
  8. AverageGuy

    Debian 8 backups not working

    I discovered a problem with the backup solution described at for crontab. The files in /etc/cron.daily will not run if they have an extension. Or at least they won't run with and extension of .sh, which means...
  9. AverageGuy

    Are there any pbx services that offer fusionPBX?

    I have a friend that has a small business with two phones and two lines. Here requirements are minimal but will need a pbx to accomplish them. I don't want to be in the business of supporting a PBX so I'm not going to suggest she run her own system either on site or in the "cloud". Are there...
  10. AverageGuy

    Debian Jessie install on LXD systemd problem

    I attempted to install FusionPBX on a lxd container running jessie. I found that somewhere in the process dpkg or apt-get would hang forever. Rebooting didn't clear it up. I found a post on a Debian site that suggested it was a systemd problem. I ran the following command (on the host) and...
  11. AverageGuy

    How to recover.

    I've installed FusionPBX on a Debian system using pretty much everything default. It all works OK but I like the idea of the Advanced/Upgrade option. I'm afraid to use it because if it causes my pbx to become unusable, I don't know how to recover other than reload the disk image, which is a...