Custom Busy Message for one Domain/Tenant

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Oct 4, 2020
Hi! :)
I would like to know if is possible set a single message different from all other domain in FusionPBX.

I am referring to the message of the busy ext. It's possible to change that message for only one domain?

Also I would like to know if is possible to make the hold music start from the beginning every time is played.

Thanks a lot!!;)


Active Member
Jun 12, 2018
Hold music can be assigned anywhere in the dial plan for individual domains, extensions, etc etc.
Hold music in Freeswitch is constantly streaming so there isn't a way for true hold music to start at beginning for a given call. You can create custom messages to be played before certain actions but actual "hold music" is always playing.

As for custom "busy message" I'm not sure what you are asking. If a "busy" code is returned, a custom dial plan can be built to do almost anything.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2018
just about anything can be done for a single domain (or any other level) but what "busy message" are you referring to?

The normal behavior for any failed call such as "busy" in Fusionpbx is to call the "failure_handler" lua script. If an extension is "busy" it will forward to "forward on busy" destination if assigned, forward to voicemail if assigned, or hangup and send the busy response code to caller. If the call isn't forwarded to something else, it is up to the originating switch or device to produce the tones or message.

This normal behavior can be changed in a custom dial plan by changing the "local_extension" dial plan and editing the last action from "app.lua failure_handler" to some other action or script.

If you are talking about some other type of message, something similar can be done via a dial plan, but at this point I still don't know what you are trying the accomplish.
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