hangup_after_bridge and continue_on_fail

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Jan 9, 2019
When creating an inbound route to an extension using Destinations in Fusion, it used to create 4 lines of XML below the basic info(as viewed in Inbound Routes) similar to this:

condition destination_number ^\+(12223334444)$ 20 true
action set hangup_after_bridge=true true 30 true
action set continue_on_fail=true true 40 true
action transfer 123 XML mydomain.com 50 true

I have noticed that in more recent updates to Fusion (not exactly sure when), that only 2 lines are created, similar to this:

condition destination_number ^\+(12223334444)$ 20 true
action transfer 123 XML mydomain.com 40 true

Does anyone know why the change? And/or why to use/not use the hangup_after_bridge and continue_on_fail? I find references to these in the forums/docs, but nothing clear for regular usage.

Also, if an Inbound route is created under Dialplan-Inbound Routes it usually does not show up under Dialplan-Destinations. But if an inbound route is created under Dialplan-Destinations, it then shows up both under Destinations and Inbound Routes. Anyone know why and if it matters?


Jan 9, 2019
Thanks! So if I am understanding correctly, hangup_after_bridge=true and continue_on_fail=true are now in (or were before in) the Dialplan Manager in local_extension. Since inbound calls still go to a local extension, I presume they still hit the Dialplan local_extension and thus those variables are used there instead of the inbound route? If that is how it works, then it makes sense that these 2 variables are no longer needed in the inbound routes? Is there still a scenario where they would be needed in the inbound routes?
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