Major bug found

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Harlee Oseana

New Member
Nov 30, 2017
Hi, I found a bug in the last update (version 4.2.4 / switch 1.6.19). The Default Settings page table, the outbound routes table and other tables in the system are missing rows. See the image attachment, notice the rules and conditions below tables is missing. Sometimes it appears partially as well. Anybody else encounter this?


In Firefox they sometimes show only a few of the rows, but sometimes they reappear. In internet explorer I get an error. This seems to be a bug in the php. I am running the application on CentOS (up-to-date).

Harlee Oseana

New Member
Nov 30, 2017
Hope this helps anyone else with this problem. Fixed this issue by re-installing FusionPBX.

The issue started after updating CentOS and upgrading FusionPBX.

I thought this may be a FusionPBX issue, but it may only be a CentOS upgrade issue

Anyways, to fix the issue I did the following:

First I made a full system backup (always a good idea when working with production systems)
Then I made a backup of the database, and made a note of the current db password in the config.php file.
Move the previously copied source files to a backup folder to make sure a new source folder is created using the wget script.
Then I reinstalled using the install script for CentOS (ignore warnings of existing files/folders and database access requests - if you allow it access to the database it may reset your data and configurations).
Reboot the server
Change the db password in the config.php to the old db password
You should now have access to the fix application
Just in case I also opened and re-saved some data such as some extensions and SIP profiles and reloaded the ACL and XML to make sure any config files which were overridden have been set back to the my previous configuration

Voila !
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