Outbound caller ID is extension number

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Jeroen Hermans

New Member
Oct 11, 2017
Hi all,

I am installing my first FusionPBX. Everything seems to work except for the outbound Caller ID. When i do an outbound call, i see in the SIP packet:

INVITE sip:003112345678@xx.xx.xx.xx SIP/2.0
From: "200" <sip:200@yy.yy.yy.yy>;tag=epv1KUU22X79j

Where xx.xx.xx.xx is the ip of my trunk provider and yy.yy.yy.yy is the ip of my FusionpBX server.
Obviously "200" <sip:200@ is an incorrect caller ID and my trunk provider ignores this header (and should!).

In my gateway configuration i have set "Caller ID In From" to True and in my extension configuration both Effective Caller ID Number and Outbound Caller ID Name are "003187654321"

My gateway and extension are both in context test.voip.domain.nl and my outbound route is in context public.
When i change in my outbound route effective_caller_id_number=${outbound_caller_id_number} to effective_caller_id_number=003187654321 (a static CID), then it works prefectly, but i dont think it would work like that.

Who can help me with this (seemingly small) issue.
Thank you VERY much!

Jeroen Hermans

Adrian Fretwell

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2017
I noticed you enquired about my "Caller ID in From - Call forward" post, I don't have an answer yet and my problem is different to the one you are experiencing. I notice that when I set "Caller ID In From" it does cause the overwriting of the whole From header including the domain part so "From Domain" in the gateway record gets ignored. Bear in mind this only happens to me for forwarded calls to the gateway, normal outbound calls are fine.

Another thing that has tripped me up in testing is that some settings in the gateway don't take effect until I stop and restart the gateway.


Jeroen Hermans

New Member
Oct 11, 2017
Hi Adrian,

I may have some information for you that may be interesting.
I am using a multi tenant system and i THINK ${outbound_caller_id_number} is not filled in a multi-tenant system. I changed the line in my dialplan to:

action set effective_caller_id_number=${user_data(${username}@${domain_name} var outbound_caller_id_number)}

That fixed my problem and the From-header is now correct! I hope this helps you.
Now i have a new problem with my phone behind NAT (see new thread).
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