Voicemail and Missed call emails - Issue when using mod cidlookup

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So a couple of weeks ago I started using mod cidlookup to do CID quieries and ever since, voicemail and missed call emails subject line shows the actual response from the CID query rather than the name.

Example: Missed Call from {&#34;status&#34;: &#34;OK&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;MOUNDVILLE MO&#34;} <+14172286597>

As far as changes in the GUI, the only thing I did was add an action set of effective_caller_id_name=${cidlookup(${caller_id_number})} to my inbound dial plan. It works perfectly on the phones and displays the appropriate returned name from the JSON response.

Is there something I need to change for the Voicemail and Missed call emails to use cidlookup? I find it odd that it's sending the entire JSON response and not just the name.
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