
  1. I

    SOLVED Understanding how Fusion autoprovisions phones

    I have all sites unable to auto-provision now via Fusion. The phones can be manually configured and work. The nginx access logs show when a handset attempts to download a config file it gets a 404: [09/Oct/2023:11:00:15 +1100] "GET /app/provision/cfgc074ad536779.xml HTTP/1.1" 404 153 "-"...
  2. R

    Provisioning multiple Device Profiles With unique Multicast addresses

    I have a single k-12 school district deployment. I have several device profiles that separate the grade groups. I am wanting to edit a provisioning file to contain each grade groups multicast page group. But I want this config to essentially be tied to the device profiles associated with each...
  3. P

    Reboot Yealink Phones every night

    Hello, I would like to reboot the phones of my installation (Yealink ) every night. I have seen that you can reboot phones after autoprovisioning. My first idea was that I could thus provision the phones every night. I have been using FusionPBX for a year and I come from plain Freeswitch. On the...
  4. P

    Understanding Provisioning

    Hi, I'm new to PBX's and VoIP phones in general and I have installed Fusion PBX and got 2 phones working. It was a bit of luck and guessing but I think it has something to do with the provisoning, or auto provisioning. So far I have gathered its like a way to get the phone registed to...
  5. M

    Zoiper auto provision

    I have a couple of users that require soft clients. I am following this page to setup my zopier soft clients. I am running version 4.5.25. After following the instructions and adding the zopier default...
  6. A

    Fanvil time zones

    Hi there Fusion community! I have an x4u with firmware 2.2.1 and I'm having no trouble provisioning certain things, but I've created a group of domain level variables related to timezones which I cant seem to get applied to the phone. The phone starts with the timezone info : Time Zone...
  7. S

    404 NGINX AutoProvision issue

    Currently, I am having an auto-provision issue from a client site. I can get other phones to auto-provision just fine, but from this one site it won't work. When I go to from the client site I receive NGINX 404 error. but if I go...