Homer 7.7. Install for FusionPBX

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Oct 3, 2019
Hi all,

After playing with Audicodes (which already come with their own nice monitoring and traffic capture system) for a while I wanted something similar for my FusionPBX boxes. I installed a test server and figure I would share the process. It would help anyone looking for the same and also if any of you with more experience find any problem with what is posted, it would help me if you be kind enough to let me know. I must thank @DigitalDaz forthis post on Homer 5.5.

1. Install Homer. I suggest a dedicated box but for test purposes I just installed it in my test FusionPBX.

There is a full set of instructions at Homer's github with different options. I tried the Quick Install but I my box is a Debian 10 and the install script did not let me go through. I did not feel like modifying the script or installing a Debian 9 or CentOS 7 just for this. So, I did the manual install. I could also have tried the docker but to be honest I am not that familiar with containers. I should get familiar with them, it seems there is no way to not use them now.

curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/qxip/sipcapture/script.deb.sh | sudo bash
sudo apt install heplify
sudo apt install heplify-server
sudo apt install homer-app

2. Create a homer role in your postgreSQL. There must be better ways to do this but the following works for me:

As root:

su - postgres
createuser --interactive --pwprompt

To keep my life simple I called it home_user, gave it the right to create databases (you can drop this right after your done creating databases) and did not make it a superuser or gave it the right to add more new roles.

3. Modify Homer config files

There are two of this.
sudo nano -w /etc/heplify-server.toml
sudo nano -w /usr/local/homer/etc/webapp_config.json

I did not change anything in the former and only updated the database password for the homer_user in the latter. I would love to know if there's more I should have done.

4. Create Homer databases
homer-app -create-config-db -database-root-user=homer_user -database-host=localhost -database-root-password=dbpassword -database-homer-user=homer_user
homer-app -create-data-db -database-root-user=homer_user -database-host=localhost -database-root-password=dbpassword -database-homer-user=homer_user
homer-app -create-table-db-config
homer-app -populate-table-db-config
homer-app -upgrade-table-db-config

5. Install the capture agent (Thanks again @DigitalDaz !)

Basically follow this post, I am not going to repeat the same. The only thing different in my case (Debian 10), I had to install the following pre-requisites:
apt-get install libexpat1-dev libpcap-dev libjson-c-dev libtool automake flex bison libgcrypt11-dev libuv1-dev libpcre3-dev.

6. You need to allow ports TCP 9060 and 9080 to your Homer box. Add it on iptables or whatever method you use to control your local firewall.

7. Access Homer dashboard:http://Your_IP:9080/dashboard/home. Default credtials are admin/sipcapture. Make sure you change them.


And that is it to start with.

Please do let me know if you see anything wrong about the process.
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