Recent content by smeyer

  1. S

    Recommendation for WiFi Phone

    I have also had great success buying super cheap cell phones from amazon and using those.
  2. S

    Video conferencing using transit FusionPBX

    I would make sure all the codecs are a direct match including the in transit box. I would then try a new client (Jitsi used to have known issues). Also why are you using the transit box? Freeswitch does not make a great proxy.
  3. S

    Video conferencing using transit FusionPBX

    RBSP data in PPS is a ffmpeg warning, not an error, it should not be a issue that halts the video.
  4. S

    Transcription Not Working

    Thanks for checking, I wish they'd fix listen link as well.
  5. S

    Regex change help request

    That did not work, it changed the SDP TO: field for some reason.
  6. S

    SIP REFER on externally forwarded call

    Twilio is requesting it.
  7. S

    Regex change help request

    It's false till the system is NIU so I can test.
  8. S

    Regex change help request

    Until I know a different way I set up a conditional dialplan based off a CID break on-true
  9. S

    Regex change help request

    I would like to change +1XXXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXXX The set action in the dialplan is "outbound_caller_id_number=${caller_id_number}" where the variable is always +1XXXXXXXXXX. Another solution is my outbound route is hardcoded to prepend +1, is there a way to only add if +1 is not present?
  10. S

    Transcription Not Working

    Thank you so much
  11. S

    Transcription Not Working

    Any progress?
  12. S

    Transcription Not Working

    Turned off queue, still an issue.
  13. S

    SIP REFER on externally forwarded call

    New regulations as well as a few carriers do not let you send an outbound call w/o the CID being verified. So if you want to forward externally and maintain the callee CID, you must use a refer. There are several other companies including bandwidth that have not moved but will be enacting this.
  14. S

    SIP REFER on externally forwarded call

    I am making a new post as I realize I did not fully understand the issue previously (sorry). Due to STIR/SHAKN and Twilio rules, external transfers like in a call forward scenario, must be initiated in the original inbound SIP dialog. When looking up the proper application, it seems that using...
  15. S

    Transcription Not Working

    Is there any disadvantage to sending the emails outside of the queue? If no, do you mind reminding me what setting I have to change in order to not use the queue?